2 Weeks Pregnant

2 Weeks Pregnant: This is your 2nd week, or it is the time that your baby is conceived and a new life begins in your body.

During this time, a woman releases an egg known as ovulation.

And if the sperm is present in the fallopian tubes, then there are 20–25% chances that the egg will be fertilised to make a new baby.

2 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

If you’re 2 weeks pregnant, then you’re in the 1st month of your pregnancy. There are only 8 months to see your new baby.

Still, have questions? Here is some more information about your baby, his size and growth, your body and the symptoms you will face during your pregnancy.

Baby of 2 weeks pregnant


Your due date is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period. Conception takes place about 2 weeks from this date. 

This is the stage where you really get pregnant and your baby starts to grow from a tiny seed to a big plum.

The baby’s size this week is almost 0 inches and the weight gain is also 0 ounces.


Still, during this week, your baby is really not in your womb.

But this week, you ovulate, a process in which your egg travels through your ovary to the fallopian tube, where it meets the sperm.

It survives in your cervix and uterus.

From 70-900 million sperm, less than a thousand of them actually make it possible to reach your cervix. And only one of them is able to penetrate the egg in your uterus.

2 Weeks Pregnant Mother

Your body during this week


You just had your last period. The lining of your uterus is shedding, including last month’s unfertilized egg.

A new cycle is going to start after that, which is the starting point for your pregnancy.

There are two hormones, FSH and LH. LH increases around this time and also works with FSH to stimulate the follicles.

Every follicle contains an egg, and only one follicle becomes dominant and targets ovulation each month.

And if you don’t get pregnant this time, don’t worry: a healthy couple in their 20s or early 30s has a 25 to 30% chance of getting pregnant with each cycle.

Turn down the heat to boost fertility

Are you trying to conceive? Try that electric blanket and keep each other warm.

This is an old but good way. Studies confirm that extended, extreme heat — similar to the type created by electric blankets, heating pads, heated seats, or even laptops that are to be found on a man’s leg — can badly influence those unpredictable testes by slowing down sperm production.

In addition, that entire cuddle you’ll have to do to keep warm will generate the manner of heat that can truly create babies.

How do you track ovulation?

A woman’s monthly cycle is calculated from the first day of her menstrual period until the first day of her next period. Overall, a woman’s period cycle is normally stuck between 28 and 32 days. 

Ovulation is considered to start on the first day of the cycle, which is the day when menstruation starts.

Most women ovulate on one day between Day 11 and Day 21 of their cycle. This is the “fertile time” or “fertility window” of a woman’s cycle.

Since sexual interaction during this moment increases the chance of pregnancy.

For more information related to the tracking of ovulation, see below.
  • Fertility Awareness
  • Understanding Ovulation
  • Ovulation Calendar

What should you plan at this time?

You should be careful about many things during this time. You might need to make some changes in your lifestyle so that your chances of conceiving may increase. 

Proper exercise and a balanced diet are important tools to determine your progress, which is a map of the road for your baby.

It is advised to begin taking prenatal vitamins and to avoid using items such as:

  • Caffeine
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Alcohol
  • Recreational drugs
  • Nicotine

If you are taking recommended drugs, check with your fitness care provider to see if such medication is safe to take during pregnancy.

For more information on nutrition during pregnancy, please see our information on pre-conception nutrition.

Symptoms for 2 Weeks of Pregnant

Getting pregnant depends on intercourse between both genders at the time when the female is most fertile—this is most likely in the two days prior to when you ovulate and the day you actually ovulate. 

If you’ve got a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, there is a probability that you are ovulating on day 15. But let’s be genuine; not everyone has a regular 28-day cycle every month!

You’re most likely ovulating if you notice these signs at 2nd week of pregnancy:

Cervical mucus:

It sounds a little foul, but it’s true. Your cervical mucus turns thin, apparent, and chewy, like egg whites when you near ovulation. This consistency facilitates sperm to travel toward the egg.

Improved sense of smell:

Hormonal transformations enhance your ability to pick up different odours, which is possibly nature’s way of helping you inhale male pheromones in an effort to give birth.

Breast soreness or tenderness:

Hormone flow coupled with ovulation can make your boobs feel a little painful.

Pelvic ache:

As your ovary frees an egg, you may feel a small ache on one side of your belly.

This is the phenomenon known as Mittelschmerz, named for the doctor who first documented it.

Light spotting:

You might see a small drop of red or brown on your underwear around the time of ovulation.

This spotting can be general, but let your doctor know if you experience something more than just a random stain in between periods.

Cervical changes:

If you check your cervix regularly, some of the women who graph this activity may notice it becomes higher, softer and more open when you’re ovulating.


I hope this blog may help anyone who is 2 Weeks Pregnant. You can check the article for various information.

You can also know about the 1st week of pregnancy.


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