5 Weeks Pregnant

5 Weeks Pregnant means you’re in the 2nd month of your pregnancy. Here we are with only 7 months to go! Still have questions? When you go through this article, you will have all the answers to your questions.

Let’s check out the baby’s growth, your life this week, and many more.

Baby of 5 Weeks Pregnant


Your baby is about the size of sesame seeds. Your baby is about the length of 0.05 inches and his weight is 0.04 oz.

Tiny tadpole

In your uterus, your small embryo is growing at a good rate. The embryo appears more like a tadpole than a human.

Your embryo is made up of three layers – the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm. This later forms organs and tissues. 


Your foetus (baby in the womb) is small, yet its heart, spinal cord, heart, brain, and bones start to grow during this week.

The placenta feeds your baby and the amniotic sac, which makes available warm and secure surroundings.

Here, your baby can move simply and grow easily too. The umbilical cord connects and outlines your baby to your blood supply.


The fetus’s brain, spinal cord, and nerves start taking shape from the neural tube.

These all develop from the ectoderm layer. This layer also grows skin, hair, nails, sweat, mammary glands, and tooth enamel.


The circulatory system starts forming in the middle layer (mesoderm). During this week, a small heart starts beating and pumping blood.

This layer also makes the baby’s muscles, cartilage, bone, and the tissue below the skin.

Lungs and gut (gastrointestinal tract)

The third layer (endoderm) will form the lungs, intestines, and early urinary system, with the thyroid, pancreas, and liver.

Throughout all of this, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord, which provide nourishment and oxygen to your baby, are already at work.

Body of 5 Weeks Pregnant 

HCG hormone and tests

You just missed your period during this week. It is one of the most common signs that you are pregnant.

By this week, the level of HCG hormone (pregnancy indicator hormone) has become high enough to give a clear result on the stick of the pregnancy kit test.

The hormone is detected in urine by a home pregnancy test.

You will now be able to be sure of your pregnancy, with no more doubts or confusion this week.

Implantation bleeding

When your fertilised egg attaches to the lining of your uterus, you may feel some light vaginal bleeding. Many of them mistake it for a missing period. 

This bleeding is lighter than the usual menstrual run and is considered one of the early signs of pregnancy.

But, if the bleeding is quite heavy or if it is causing abdominal pain or mild cramping on one side, call or take advice from a doctor.

Early signs of pregnancy

You may observe early signs of pregnancy, such as:

  • nausea or morning sickness. (However, it could happen at any time of day.)
  • There is a heavy sensation in your breasts, as well as a darkening of your nipples.
  • More trips to the washroom
  • feeling tired more than usual.

Hormone changes your body

Many hormones or chemical signals that circulate in your body and cause many physical changes are going to be released this week.

Hormones produce such as;

  • Estrogen: This keeps the levels of progesterone and HCG high.
  • Progesterone: This stabilises the function of the placenta. It also stimulates breast tissue growth and keeps the smooth muscles of the uterus from contracting.
  • HCG: this maintains the corpus luteum until the placenta takes over, about 10 weeks, and normalises the amount of required progesterone.

Symptoms for 5 Weeks Pregnant

Food cravings and aversions:

This time, you have more food cravings than ever before. You will have a craving for food that is oily, unhealthy, and spicier in taste.

You may avoid foods like green leafy vegetables or fruits, which are healthier for your body. Hormones are the real reason behind these kinds of changes.


Pregnancy requires handwork as there is a downshift in your get up and down movement.

There is a huge amount of energy used in building this kind of life-supporting system (especially the placenta).

Nausea :

This kind of feeling leads to vomiting, and it can happen at any time of day. It is common in the first trimester.

Some hormones just maintain this feeling.

Excessive saliva:

This kind of activity may be caused by some pregnancy hormones too.

Tips for You at this week

Schedule regular teeth cleaning:

Regular cleaning of teeth should also be there. Since, due to a lack of this habit, 40% of women suffer from periodontal (gum) disease.

In addition to this, which further leads to preeclampsia (condition during pregnancy where there is a sudden rise in blood pressure and swelling, mostly in the face, hands, and feet).

Limits foods: 

It’s time to introduce some healthy food options rather than things like unpasteurized foods and undercooked meat, fish, and eggs. These can cause food-borne illnesses that are harmful to babies.

Other foods that pregnant women should avoid include hot dogs, deli meats, fish with high mercury levels, and raw sprouts.

Keep stomach healthy:

Try to keep your tummy in good condition, and it is always best to drink a sufficient amount of water so as to compensate for the deficiency of water.

Learn Manage Bloat:

You should be wise while choosing the food you are going to eat in this condition.

Avoid foods that cause bloating. Some foods which cause gas include:

Vegetables: beans, and certain vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and asparagus. These all contain the sugar raffinose, which makes many people gassy.

Fructose: This form of sugar occurs naturally in certain foods, specifically leeks, onions, artichokes, dried fruit, canned tomatoes, ketchup, pears, apples, honey, wheat, and fruit juice.

Certain starches, such as wheat, corn, and potatoes (but not rice).

Some fiber-rich foods, such as oat bran, beans, peas, and many kinds of fruits, are usually broken down in the large intestine, leading to gas.

Wheat bran, however, basically passes through your digestive system without getting broken down, so it’s a good choice if you’re constipated and want to add more fibre without risking more flatulence.

Dairy products: People who are lactose intolerant get gas, diarrhea, and stomach pain from eating dairy products. 

high-fat and fried foods: To stay healthy during your pregnancy or without any gastric or digestive issues, try to avoid these kinds of foods on your menu.

Exercise in Safety:

While exercising during pregnancy, do it safely under the guidance of an expert. As there is always the possibility of a problem occurring if something is done incorrectly.

Take Proteins:

Consume a well-balanced diet.Try to get protein from cottage cheese, yogurt, beans, or soy products, especially tofu or edamame.

Avoid eating meals like meat and other animal foods like fish. 


I am hoping that the above article may contribute to your pregnancy journey.  

From this blog, you will have enough information about your body, symptoms, and baby’s development when you are at 5 weeks pregnant.

Read more  information about the your journey on Pregnancyweekmonth

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