Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy

Vaginal Discharge in Pregnancy: It is not always easy to identify which changes are regular and which are matters of concern during pregnancy.

Here is one change that occurs is  vaginal discharge during pregnancy, that might change in texture, regularity, and quantity.

Increased vaginal discharge is one of the earliest indications of pregnancy and remains throughout.

Normally Vaginal discharge is known as Leukorrhea that is thin, clear or white. The changes you can observe 1-2 weeks after the conception.

Early in pregnancy, increasing oestrogen levels may cause an increase in white creamy discharge. White vaginal discharge (leucorrhea) is harmless: You may notice a little odour or no odour at all with this early pregnancy discharge.

Green vaginal discharge that is painful, itchy, or smells bad could be an infection or another condition.

What is natural about the Vaginal Discharge in pregnancy?

As we already discussed that you will be observe the change in your discharge while you are pregnant. You most probably see the discharge we known as Leukorrhea.

During pregnancy, there will be more discharge due to extra hormones release such as estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen makes the discharge thin while Progesterone thickens it.

On top of all that, as pregnancy advances, your growing uterus could get in the path of your bladder entirely emptying, allowing for minor peeing escapes as well, that can add to the sense of wetness below there.

You may also discover that your pregnant discharge feels different than normal, which is also linked to—you got it—hormonal variations. Is this common? Yes!

It may get more thicker and stickier when you are in late pregnancy. You may observe the mucus during the last few weeks of your pregnancy.

This is your mucus plug—the clot of mucus that contributes in keeping the cervix’s mouth covered. After 37 weeks, you may lose some or all of your mucus plug.

It is possible that this is an indication that labor is on its way, but it is by no means assured. If you drop this before 37 weeks, consult your doctor immediately, since this could be an indication of premature delivery.

What the Color of Your Discharge means During Pregnancy?

What if the color of your pregnancy discharge is not white or clear? This does not imply that something is wrong. For instance, you may see some spotting during the first week after conception.

This is referred to as implantation bleeding and occurs as a result of the fertilised egg adhering to the uterus.

Here is the list of various colors that vaginal discharge may show during your pregnancy.

Clear Vaginal Discharge : It is commonly referred as Leukorrhea. This early pregnancy discharge consists  of cervical and vaginal fluids.

Gluey and mucusy Vaginal discharge: During the Late pregnancy, this discharge is the part of the mucus plug. This may come out of the body at a time. It may also emerge out in the pieces or fragments.

Creamy colored vaginal Discharge: Leukorrhea can have whitish in color during the pregnancy. If this discharge is heavy and including itching or burning sensation, then it is possible that you may have yeast infection.

This kind of infection is very common during the pregnancy as there happens many hormonal changes and variation in pH in the area of vagina. It is best to consult with doctor before treating this problem.

Tan Vaginal Discharge: This type of vaginal discharge matches the hue of creamy coffee and may be the indication of yeast infection. This kind of fluid may also be clumpy and uncommon smell.

Dark brown Vaginal Discharge: This may be the blood without moisture leaving your body expert says. It may also be the part of your mucus plug, but if blood streaks appear more than normal, consult your doctor.

Green vaginal Discharge: Green and Foul smelling pregnancy discharge may be the indication of an infection like chlamydia expert says. This discharge may be happen with itching or burning.

Yellow vaginal discharge: This kind of discharge could be sign of an infection. An occasional yellowish spot on the panty can be simply the dried urine and nothing to worry.

Gray Vaginal Discharge: This gray and fishy smell discharge can be the sign of infection like bacterial vaginosis that really need treatment from doctor expert says.

Pink Vaginal Discharge: Blood is indicated by a pink or pink-streaked discharge. While this does not always imply that something is wrong, it is prudent to consult your physician immediately to identify the reason of the bleeding.

Red Vaginal Discharge: In case, if we someone notices the heavy bleeding or fluiding contains clots, then it can be the indication of miscarriage. But if there is smaller amount of blood more than few drops then it also needs sufficient attention.

In early pregnancy, any continuous spotting or larger bleeding should be checked by your doctor via exam and ultrasound.

How to tackle this Pregnancy Discharge Issue in your pregnancy?

If truly say, then there is no alternative to reduce the pregnancy discharge. As it is the process of releasing the toxins such as bacteria that may cause harm to you and your baby.

But what we can do to deal with this situation is just try to keep the area clean and dry. Or you can also change your wearing or can use the cotton fabrics.

You can also practice some of the pregnancy yoga poses to relieve the symptoms of pregnancy.

In case, if you have heavy discharge than normal, then you can use the pad for extra support.  Keep in mind try not putting anything in the vagina during the pregnancy, it can increase your risk of any infection.

Vagina cleans naturally itself, so do not try to use any kind of wipes or other tools to clean it. Using this kind of stuffs can change the pH level of vagina and resulting to infection.

When to inform or consult with the doctor about your pregnancy discharge?

If you are experiencing any kind of unusual thing about the pregnancy discharge, then do wait discuss with your doctor.

There are some indication or signals that if you experience with your pregnancy discharge, you can contact your doctor. Here are the following as:

  • Itching
  • Burning sensation
  • Painful vagina
  • Stinky smell
  • Swelling
  • Bloody Discharge
  • Fluid if green, yellow or gray
  • Watery discharge

Note that intercourse during the pregnancy can change the texture of your vaginal fluid. Try to note the pattern of your discharge color, this can help you track your pregnancy discharge.

If something detect serious about the discharge, then you can consult with the physician. If you experience substantial moisture later in pregnancy, this could indicate an amniotic rupture that requires quick treatment.

Due to the clarity and odorlessness of amniotic fluid, it might be difficult to distinguish from regular pregnancy discharge.


Throughout your pregnancy, you may notice numerous changes in your body, and some of these will manifest in your Vaginal discharge in pregnancy.

While leukorrhea is absolutely natural, it is critical to monitor your discharge because it can reveal a lot about what is happening in your body, for eg- you may detect evidence of your mucus plug, which indicates that your labor is almost near these days.

Or you may observe symptoms of an illness or kind of infection. The more informed you are about what is occurring in your body, the more sync you will be with your body and baby.


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