19 weeks pregnant

So what you are thinking, it will be boy or girl? Being 19 Weeks pregnant, you will undoubtedly excited for your pregnancy ultrasound. 

While most parents-to-be take this test as a time to determine the gender of their kid (if they have not previously done so during the first trimester via prenatal screening), you can definitely see even more than baby’s boy or girl bits.

You will see the entire baby’s body—inside and out—and be surprised at the amount of growth and maturation during week 19 of pregnancy. That is quite thrilling! (more…)

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18 weeks pregnant

Now you are 18 Weeks Pregnant, it is time to change various habits of you. You can now begin to sleep on your side(recommended left side) rather to sleep on the back. 

As baby is growing rapidly, this can result into large pressure on your back. That can make less amount of blood flow to your heart which makes you feel low or dip into your blood pressure.

This week, there is going to be big development in your baby’s body from hearing to the brain development. (more…)

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17 weeks pregnant

Now you are 17 Weeks Pregnant and many other symptoms may you observe this week. One of the common signs many women experience is Dizziness in second trimester. 

Your baby may also begin to develop the brown layer of fat under the skin. This adding fat may offer the warmth after birth but now this work is done by uterus. (more…)

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16 Weeks Pregnant

As you are now 16 weeks pregnant, you will across many exciting things going to happen in your way. 

In this week, you may have some check up visit there you will get to have chance to hear your baby’s heartbeat. 

Apart from that, kick of the baby can be more exciting that will probably begin this week. So ready for the new things going to happen in your journey. 

In addition to this, baby will start hearing your voice and you can also start a good conversation with baby. (more…)

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9 Weeks Pregnant

Are you feeling tired being 9 weeks pregnant mom-to-be. It is normal at this time of pregnancy. Now your body is working very hard to develop the placenta. 

You just step into the month which is the end of first trimester. This is time where you may start getting better of many symptoms such morning sickness. (more…)

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